Stuart Artist Residency
South Dakota State University
Artist Residency. MASS MoCA Studios. 2017
Artist Residency. YADDO. 2016

South Dakota State University. 2018

Stuart Artist Residency. South Dakota State University. 2018

12 x 8" / 6 x 8" / 6 x 4". Charcoal on cotton rag paper & curved drywall

17 x 9" / 17 x 12". Painted drywall & charcoal on cotton rag paper

6 x 4" / 17 x 9" / 17 x 12". Charcoal on cotton rag paper, painted drywall and monotype on drywall

Stuart Artist Residency. South Dakota State University. 2018

17 x 12" / 6 x 4". Monotype on drywall, charcoal & pen on cotton rag paper

6 x 4" / 12 x 8". Monotype on drywall, charcoal on cotton rag paper

Stuart Artist Residency South Dakota State University. 2018

Stuart Artist Residency. South Dakota State University. 2018

6 x 4" / 12 x 8". Monotype on drywall & charcoal on cotton rag paper

6 x 4" / 6 x 4". Monotype on drywall

17 x 12". Charcoal on cotton rag paper

Pigmented silicone monotype on styrofoam. 18" x 16" x 2"

Side View

December 2017

Charcoal & pencil on paper. 18" x 12" / 5ft x 3ft / 18" x 12"

Detail of central panel

Charcoal on paper 18" x 12"

Charcoal on paper 48" x 30"/ 48" x 30"

Charcoal & pencil on paper. 12" x 8" / 12" x 8"

Charcoal & pencil on paper. 18" x 12"/18" x 12"

Silicone image transfer on silicone paint, polystyrene & MDF. 22" x 18" x 5"

Silicone image transfer on silicone paint, polystyrene & MDF. 19" x 14" x 2"